Magic is as real as you dream it to be.

18 May 2010

The Last Cinnamon Stick

Jars of spices are loud when they clatter against each other. I do not wish to wake the other inhabitants of my home, but some feeling has prompted me to search among the Cayenne pepper, the salt, the pepper, and the bay leaves to see if any sticks of cinnamon are left in the cupboard.

Finally, from the very back of the cupboard, I pull a red-capped jar with only one stick left inside. To be honest, I don't know why I like cinnamon sticks. In every other case, my palate rejects spicy foods as un-tasty and unworthy of consumption.

Setting the cinnamon stick between my teeth, I pitch the plastic jar in the trash and begin to gnaw. Sometimes, a craving is easily satisfied.

29 April 2010

Illogical Monsters

I saw the opening to Monster Hunter Tri recently, here. It's more than a little bit awesome. The opening has some impressive graphics and it shows the dynamics between the monsters, which is always cool. However, I did have one moment of hesitation, regarding the creature from the deeps, the water-dragon thing. I'll call it a leviathan, since I do not know what the creature's name is in the game itself.

It spat lightning. Why would any underwater creature use lightning as a weapon? Even if said creature was immune to the damage and electric shock can do to a body, it would quickly spoil the area in which it hunted, since the nearby creatures would drop dead, would they not?

I don't know. I suppose I do not possess the requisite knowledge of how electricity works underwater, maybe since the charge is dispersed throughout the entire ocean, it is a negligible weapon underwater or something. Oh well. It was still a very cool video.

16 April 2010


All things are interconnected. Dreams touch real life almost as frequently as real life touches our dreams. Are those events which I dream of as I slumber real? Do I laugh, live, love, murder, and save in reality, as I dream of such occurrences?

I do.

We all do, you see, because the dream is no more unreal for its immateriality than a story is unreal simply because it is fiction. It matters, that a story fit together right, because the story is a reality. These characters, the things that they do, and the things that happen to them are all important, and real. The fact that they lack a body of meat and bone does not make them somehow less than you or I. This is why motivation matters. Spectacle has its place, certainly, but every time a character acts in a way wholly contrary to her nature, the world in which she lives breaks ... a little.

Do not dismiss the fictional as unimportant, or somehow less real. They have been imagined, life has been blown into their existence, and a world has been woven around their existence. They matter.